Why do people join a Samba Band? We talk to some of our band members about their Swan Samba experience.

My son and I joined the band 2 years ago. We had seen Swan Samba perform at local events and we both loved the sound. Neither of us had drummed before, so I took a little persuading to sign up but I’m so glad we did!
After a long illness, my 17-year-old son was finally on the road to recovery and it was fantastic for us to find something positive we could do together. The band members were all so friendly and welcoming. Tuesday night drumming practice soon became something for us both to look forward to.
To start with, I was terrible at drumming but loved the energy and groove and quickly discovered that the secret is to just smile like you know what you are doing and keep going! My son is autistic, and he took to drumming quickly and is amazing at it.
We’ve both really loved learning a new skill and with time and practice I’m gradually getting better. My son is away at uni now, but he still comes back to join the band during his holidays.
I’ve always loved live music and thought it would be a real buzz to play as part of a band. The unexpected bonus was finding such a supportive group of people who generate such warmth and joy for all who join our Samba family.

After a brain injury at birth, we were told by son’s medical team that he would be blind, deaf, and unable to walk, talk or feed himself and would require round the clock care for the rest of his life.
Regular physiotherapy meant he began to walk at 19 months-old but the brain injury impacted his fine motor skills and he struggled at school. He was eventually diagnosed with a mild learning disability, autism and anxiety.
My son left school with no qualifications and got a Saturday job working for a charity that ran a play scheme for children with physical and learning disabilities. He enjoyed it so much, he applied for and landed a job as a teaching assistant at a special needs school. He has gone on to achieve qualifications in Maths, English and Business.
We joined Swan Samba two years ago and the transformation in him has been miraculous. He has gone from a shy, anxious young man worried about making mistakes to someone whose mental health has improved, confidence has grown, enjoys performing and has made new friendships.
I don’t know what Gary envisioned when he set up Swan Samba, but it is far more than a drumming band. Members describe it as a family, and it truly is. One definition of family is a supportive and caring group of friends who want to see you grow and flourish and that underpins the ethos of Swan Samba.

I’d seen a samba band at a festival a few times in the past, and always loved the enthusiasm and energy, but never thought I might do it myself one day.
I had no previous musical experience and the thought of performing in public terrified me.
In early 2021, and the combination of Covid lockdowns and a work-related breakdown left me at a low ebb. I remembered Swan Samba from a leaflet I’d seen and with some trepidation I made contact.
I joined over lockdown and online and persevered with Zoom and drumming on a cushion. Some months later when the band was allowed to gather in-person again. It was a daunting moment – meeting everyone and playing a real drum for the first time but I was made so welcome and quickly made friends.
After trying a couple of drums, I quickly found my “spirit drum”, as it’s called. The drum chooses you, it seems, and in my case it was the Bass 2 – the band’s largest, deepest drum.
After a few months of practice with the band, my first performance gig was an exhilarating moment. Memories of the samba band I’d seen at festivals years before certainly inspired me and helped overcome any nerves I had – quite the opposite in-fact; the thrill from performing to an audience lasts to this day.
I’ve also been able to contribute my technology experience to supporting the bands’ media team with video and photo editing. I also designed and produced the synchronised remote-control lights we use on our drums to enhance dark winter gigs.
The Swan Samba experience has certainly changed me, it’s given me a purpose and alternative outlet in life, a network of friends, and drawn out a more outgoing character in me that I never knew I had.

I joined Swan Samba at the very start of classes being run back in January 2019 and it has been such fun! At the beginning I don’t think any of us had any drumming experience but we certainly laughed a lot.
Over the years the band has grown and we have performed at some amazing gigs, three years at Wickham Festival and the ABP Southampton Marathon, lots of carnivals and fetes… and even live on TV!
Swan Samba is an extremely friendly, welcoming and kind group of people of all ages and all different backgrounds. They have been especially supportive during my husband’s cancer journey.
I love being a part of this amazing drumming family and would encourage anyone to come and join us.

At the start of 2023 I joined Swan Samba and I can honestly say that it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.
I had never drummed before but had always fancied having a go, especially after seeing the band at an event and feeling the amazing vibe and energy coming from the sound of all the drums playing together.
It had been a tough few years for several reasons and I knew I needed to get a bit of the real me back. I had no doubt that this would be good for me, but I didn’t realise just how good…
Since joining, I feel like I have a great big bunch of new friends, have learned a skill that I absolutely love, and mentally I feel so much more positive. When I’m drumming all my worries disappear and I love every second of it.
Having never drummed before, I didn’t know if I would be good enough, but many mistakes and lots of support later, I had come to realise that it’s not the kind of place you’re ever going to get told off! No one judges you. Quite the opposite in fact, there is so much support and encouragement and everyone is so kind.
Gary’s enthusiasm and energy is contagious. The events are such a buzz and I’m always disappointed when we stop playing! My favourite so far has been Wickham Festival with the whole band in the big marquee and a great crowd – it was exhilarating. I hope I can play forever!
Ready to start your Swan Samba experience?